Dental Health Week

Each August, our surgery participates in Dental Health Week. We visited many local schools and Pre-schools to educate young children on oral health care. To do this, we use puppets and many of our own self-made educational tools, read a giant book and hand out stickers and take-home packs. The Family Dental Care Tooth Fairy pays a visit and allows children to have photo time with her. We are offering our time and energy in the hopes we can make a change for the better in the life of our local kids.
Dental Health Week 2022
We are back!! Dental Health Week was so much fun this year! We were able to visit our usual schools during Dental Health Week which is held in August every year. We were able to see the children and patrons at Campbelltown Preschool, Bradbury Public School, Amber Cottage, Airds Playgroup and the CCBC friendship group. We donated 254 dental oral care packs in total to all children, patrons and care givers this year.
Due to COVID19 restrictions, only 1 dentist, Kelly and the Tooth Fairy were able to attend each facilty, but the children were very happy to see us!
Dr Kaur and the Tooth Fairy, educated the children at Bradbury Public School, Campbelltown Preschool and the Airds Playgroup on the benefits of good oral health. All children at Bradbury Public School received a “Tooth Decay Repellant Kit”- which included a toothbrush, toothpaste, mouth mirror, tooth timer and toothbrushing instruction pamphlet. Children from Campbelltown Preschool and Airds Playgroup received an Oral Care pack targeted for their age group whiuch included a tooth timer, mouth mirror, child sized toothbrush and age appropriate toothpaste.
Dr Ting and the Tooth Fairy had the pleasure of talking to the lovely ladies and gentlemen of the CCBC friendship group, which is located at the Baptist Church on Lindesay St, Campbelltown. He spoke to them about their oral health and gave them each an Oral care pack to help them with their toothbrushing needs. His talk was more focused on the oral health of seniors. The Tooth Fairy was very popular with the patrons.
Dr Saba and the Tooth Fairy visited Amber Cottage and the kids were so excited to see them! They talked about good foods and bad foods, how to brush their teeth and the Tooth fairy read them a story. They didnt want her leave!

Need Dental Help?
If you're in need of dental care, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to help and look forward to assisting you as quickly as possible.