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How To Properly Brush Your Teeth?

How To Properly Brush Your Teeth?

Do you often find yourself rushed in the morning, spending only seconds slopping toothpaste over your teeth with a distracted brush? If so, spare an extra few moments to make sure you’re brushing properly and giving your pearly whites the best care they deserve....

When do you need antibiotics for a toothache?

When the tissue around the teeth becomes easily inflamed or irritated, the condition is known as a toothache. It is usually caused due to underlying cavities, injuries, or tooth decay. The core of the tooth is made up of what is called pulp which contains blood...

How Painful is it to Undergo Root Canal Treatment?

The mere mention of root canal treatment might send chills down your spine. Quite often, the fear and anxiety of pain can be much more than the intensity of the pain itself. Now let’s not say that the treatment is completely pain-free. No, it will hurt a little bit...